Monday, September 9, 2013


The Strofades, a islands on the Jonic sea, acording to the story, was the home of The Harpies: The cruel Celeno, Ocypete and Aello until the arrival or Aeneas and the trojans.

Aello (Ἀελλώ "she of the whirlwind") also know as nicotoe or Aellopoda. is one of the Greek Harpies who was employed by the gods to make peace and carry out punishments for crimes. Aello was described as a beautiful, winged maiden. Later other writers described her as a winged monster with the face of an ugly old woman, with crooked and sharp talons and claws. She was the one of the Harpy sisters who would abduct people to the underworld, Tartarus and torturing them. Aello is known as the Storm Swift of the three..

Hesiod calls them "lovely-haired" creatures, and pottery art depicting the harpies featured beautiful women with wings. Harpies as ugly winged bird-women, in Aeschylus' The Eumenides are a late development, due to a confusion with the Sirens. Roman and Byzantine writers detailed their ugliness.

"I Claim No Ownership of Images used unless stated otherwise"

Images are the property of Gonzales Ordonez Arias of Chile

Excellent Artist with Excellent Works

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